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The Republican Presidential Debate A Heated Battle

The Republican Presidential Debate: A Heated Battle

Mar-a-Lago Takes Center Stage

The first Republican presidential primary debate featured a heated exchange between Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump. DeSantis accused Trump of mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic and downplaying the severity of the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Trump, in turn, attacked DeSantis's immigration policies and his support for COVID-19 restrictions.

Trump's Struggles

The debate took place at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Trump's performance was widely panned by analysts, who said he appeared unfocused and out of touch. His standing in the polls has weakened in recent weeks, and analysts say he needs a strong performance in the upcoming debates to remain the frontrunner.

DeSantis's Rise

DeSantis, on the other hand, emerged from the debate as a clear winner. He was praised for his calm and collected demeanor, his strong command of the issues, and his ability to connect with voters. In a three-way matchup with Biden and Trump, Kennedy receives 107 of the vote according to a Real Clear Politics average of polling.

The Issue of Immigration

Immigration was a major issue in the debate. Trump said he would continue to build a wall on the southern border, while DeSantis said he would focus on enforcing existing laws. Other candidates, such as former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, called for a more comprehensive approach to immigration reform.


The first Republican presidential primary debate was a heated and contentious affair. Trump and DeSantis emerged as the frontrunners, but the outcome of the race is still very much in doubt. The upcoming debates will be crucial in determining who will ultimately secure the Republican nomination.


